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Market Highs vs Your Goals

Market Highs vs Your Goals | AdvisorNet E-Newsletter October 2024

As Canadian and US stock market indexes hit new highs this year, many investors began expressing anxiety about a possible ‘correction’. Financial media personalities have also been speculating about the timing of correction from these recent market highs – following a strong run over the past year.

Why Time Matters

Why Time Matters | September 2024 E-Newsletter

It is not uncommon for an individual or organization, such as a charity or community tennis club, to consult a financial advisor regarding investment returns that can be generated on some spare cash that is not needed in the immediate future.

Passing it on to Your Heirs

Ralph and Mary have accumulated a nice estate, a good portion of it in cash. They want to leave it all to their children when they die, but they also want to do something for them today. Being part of the Savings Generation, they are reluctant to give large sums to their kids today, as they are part of the Spending Generation. Ralph and Mary also want to treat their children as fairly as possible.

When someone dies, their estate falls into three basic categories:

Education Savings: Start Early

A new baby in the family brings many hopes, dreams and expectations. This can often include thoughts about how their lives can be better than that of their parents. And that often includes hopes about careers and the education that goes with them. It is also the time to start planning how to finance the education needed to fulfill those hopes and dreams.

The Safe Investing Dilemma

As John nears retirement, he is becoming concerned about covering his future living costs with income from only interest-bearing investments. Along with many other investors globally who have poured trillions of dollars into government bonds over the past decade, John wants to feel safe and have his money guaranteed. But the price of safety in a low interest rate world is higher than you may realize.

Diversification is Key

As with many retirement savers, it took two major stock market events (Global Financial Crisis, Global Pandemic) to convince Adam and Sonya that trying to 'time the market' or pick specific sectors was a costly exercise in futility. But, with the value of their RRSPs nearly halved in the 2009 Financial Crisis, they also recognized that they could not afford to avoid equities if they were going to have any chance of meeting their retirement goals.
